To Castrojeriz

Took an easy day, Made a reservation and sent my pack ahead. I am moving slower than I thought. Luckely I have plenty of time. I am in the measetta the great plains of Spain, it is quite and peaceful and it is a long way between towns.

In the morning I noticed that my shadow had a halo am i blessed.

Always a glutten tor punishment, the town I stoped at had a ruined castle on the hill.

Which I climbed,

The social aspect

of the Camino is wonderful, you meet people from all over the world and strike up friendships, sometimes you meet the same people agai and again and remeber their names. Some you only meet once. Around the table, Germany, Miami, Austrialia, South Korea, Taiwan and me)

2 thoughts on “To Castrojeriz”

  1. Ahh, you look so happy here! So relaxed. It is so great to meet all those people!

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