I am afraid there will be no more pictures. Intru to upload them and they won’t possibly a problem with wordpress or the internet here. Today was hard, the last part was a drop of 3000 ft and hot. I thought I might go further, possibly by cab but I didnt want to go anywhere. At the top was the Iron Cross, you are supposed to bring a stone from home and leave it there in appreciation of someone in your life who helped you reach this point. An elderly women(actually younger than me)!Had made a long streamer with the names of 150 people who has helped her overcome her respiratory problems. I used the moment to think about who I appreciate.
There is alot of christian spirituality on this trip but it seems that a lot of christianity is about denying death, but replacing it with a rather scary alternative, I talked to two priests who were on the camino one quite felt these were medieval notions not to be taken two seriously, I did get a chance to ask the other because he was very curious about Unitarianism and kept me busy expaining it.