City tour- mostly about the war

I booked a group city tour and again I was the only one on it. The first thing I learned was that the whole of South Vietnam was/is called Saigon, not just the city. Further in the beginning it was a civil war in Saigon, his descriptiondidnt differ from what we knew. However he told me that the official description was the American Invasion, they dont talk about the civil war.

I had one interesting thought. The decision to liberalize the economy in 1986 came from Saigon since Hanoi had had a centralized economy for much longer. Thus although the North won the war, the Souths vision for the country won in the end. If we had prevailed in Vietnam it would be just like north and south Korea.

The first stop was the Saigon presidential palace, and the next was the war remnants museam. It used to be called The American War Crimes Museam, but in 1986 it was changes in order to encourage friendship.

The first floor was dedicated to the our anti-war movement, I began crying, our efforts were important! We were appreciated. I cryed the most seeing the effects of agent orange the chemical we used to defoliate vietnam on children born later. Some even now. I show no picturesof this. The pictures above are Jane Fonda, Pete Seger, and the death of a student at Kent State.

We went to a toaist temple Look closely this shows the after life. Not to nice.